Monday, August 15, 2011

cutting it close yet again..

Guess I dont learn if I get burned once.. After posting in, literally, the 11th hour, here I'm, again waiting till everyother thing for the day has been completed to post.. But you cant blame me.. When we scrapped the plan to go to mall/order pizza/get KFC, and make chicken biriyani, we didnt know that it would so much of a task.. And we werent helped with the power cut for about an hour.. And with office starting up yet again tomorrow, had ironing and shaving for the coming week to be done..

And tomorrow means I'll have to do this after a day's work.. Though it aint physically draining, I do think that it'll take some shine of my mind, when I sit down to write.. Hope that I'll be able to post something good atleast tomorrow..

Anyways, the chores for the coming week are out and over; I'm stocked full of yummy, delicious biriyani; with Ms. Sleep waiting for me in the bed.. I cant keep her waiting for long or she'll go..

So, adios para hoy amigo..


Words in blog = 181
Words left = 98797

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