Friday, August 12, 2011

why do I make all these blogs???

Good question... :P

I have made four blogs, three this year.. So what I'm doin with all these blogs without constant updation?? Well, God knows.. :D

The thing is I'm trying to find my feet in a volatile world, brimming with versatality, where the word "unique" has lost its meaning. There are lots of currents flowing in this world; criss crossing all around me; making sure that I drop get a moments' foothold on life..

I see people studying hard for getting into Govt jobs; for doing MS in foreign universities having seductive names; for getting MBA from IIMs; for getting Mtech from the IITs..

All these falls into the category of things my parents, my advisors and my well wishers said when I finished Btech a little over an year ago.. But the problem is I dont see myself contesting for any of those..

The reason is simple.. All that requires me putting in an effort to study.. And to tell the truth, I think I have had enough of that through 18 years of my life..

Its not to say I loathe studying new things, or getting that extra degree; or that I dont learn new things at work.. I just dont think its the path I want to follow.. And if you ask me what path wanna follow, I can only shoot blanks..

Cos even though I know what all the paths I wont follow, I dont know the path I want to follow.. I just dont know if its my present job, or some other engineering job, or something related to engineering at all.. Just cos I got an engineering degree, doesnt mean that I can only be an engineer.. There's more to this world than that for me, and even though I am not the most adventurous of persons, I would like to experiment and find it out myself..

And those experiments culminates in blogs..

My first blog was me trying to be a lover, or as it turned out, to be a devdas.. :D

Well, it was a laugh riot; for the people around me; and i earned a reputation that neither defines me or leaves me.. but it was a chastening experience.. I learned who were my friends, and who were the happy-go-lucky back stabbers.. I learned that there are things you should keep to yourselves, no matter how much you would like to scream it out..

And then came the second one; which died pre-maturely.. It was my attempt at writing life experiences in Malayalam.. But sadly, I couldnt get a flow for it..

Third blog is the one I'm not that proud of, even though I should be.. It was my attempt to get back to writing, and to get that much required appraisal from peers, which would keep my ego inflated enough to write more; resulting in a vicious cycle of posting and posting.. And even though I got what I wanted, I found out that even an inflated ego couldnt fill three lines on a page..

Thats why this new venture of mine came into being.. Taking inspiration from a blog I stumbled onto yesterday, where the author was an "engineer=seeking-truth" like me, I have decided to call myself a writer/ an author, once I reach one lakh words on this blog.. Well, seeing how lazy I can be, I might consider what I have written/will write in other blogs as well..:D

And to make sure that I dont go astray, I've taken a pledge, to nobody in particular to write at least one sentence on this page everyday.. Cos I might not know who I'm, where I'm heading, or whats' my destiny; but I do know that this life that I have before me is way too valuable to not to try..

And, you may ask why I'm hell bent on being a writer?? well, thats for another day my dear friend...

adiĆ³s para hoy amigo...


Words in blog = 658
Words left = 99342

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